Multiple Sites

Posted on July 7, 2024 by Servant | Resources| Tags: , , ,

Many Churches are going to Multiple Sites rather than starting new Churches. All of the Church sites share a common worship service, which is streamed from the main site. Each site has a worship team, which handles announcements and music. The sermon is given by a pastor at the main site and shared with each site. All sites share physical and financial resources.

Multiple site Churches date back to 1942, when Highland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga TN started additional campuses. Eventually, Highland Park grew to 57,000 members. Today, there are over 8,000 Multiple site Churches in the US. They reach out to people in various states.

To be effective, a Multiple Site Church needs an effective strategy. Here are some of the questions to consider:

  • What is the primary purpose for having Multiple Sites?
  • Who are the leaders of the overall Church?
  • Who will launch the various sites?
  • Where will each site meet?
  • What will be the worship model?
  • Who will manage the local site worship teams?

To be successful, a Multiple Site Church needs a strategy that answers these questions. There may be a senior pastor who develops the vision and gets the Church started, but others are needed for consistent leadership. Technology can support having Multiple Sites, but you need to plan for various contingencies. Overall, the Multiple Site Church can combine its strengths and support new ministries.

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