Advent Thoughts

Posted on December 22, 2024 by Servant | Reflections| Tags: , , , , , , ,

With the year coming to a close, our thoughts turn to Advent. It is a wonderful time of year, with many Churches having special activities and worship. Children are involved in Christmas Pageants. Youth create special events like Christmas in Bethlehem. Adults have Church School gatherings. In all of these activities, we strive to remember the Christ child, who stepped out of Heaven to walk among us on earth. How can we emphasize that message in the midst of all of the celebrations?

There are also those who experience the Christmas Blues. Maybe they had a death in the family around Christmas time. Or perhaps they are alone, away from family during the Advent season. Either way, they need support and encouragement. How about making a list of members who haven’t been in a while and reaching out to them to let them know that the Church cares? There are probably some people that stopped coming during the pandemic and haven’t found their way back yet. You could reach out to them to invite them to join you for a Christmas Eve service. A personal invite may help them find their way back into fellowship.

Advent is the start of the Christian Year, as we once more begin to tell the story of the Christ. This year, find a balance between all of the activity and reaching out to those who have been isolated and alone. The joy you share will enrich the community of believers in the year ahead.

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When Disaster Strikes

Posted on August 4, 2019 by Servant | News| Tags: , , , ,

When a disaster strikes a community, the Church is often there immediately to help. Whether it is a hurricane, tornado, flood, fire or earthquake, the Church is part of the community response. Usually, this happens after the first responders have completed their mission. Churches will reach out with people, resources and service to help in the recovery. This is part of the Church’s caring for others ministry.

How does your Church respond when a disaster strikes? Some Churches will take up a collection and send money. Others will gather supplies and get them delivered. Still others will organize a team to go and help. It might be covering damaged roofs with tarps to keep out more rain. It might be repairing damaged homes for those without insurance. It might be sending cleaning supplies and home goods to help those who have suffered. Whatever the method, the Church is called to reach out and help. And I have been amazed at the generosity and helpfulness of those in the Church.

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