
The idea for the MinTech blog came from my own experience. (I have been involved in both ministry and technology as careers now for 40 years.) There is often a distinct line between the two. Some perceive the other side as confusing and frustrating, so they try to avoid crossing this line. Some perceive the line as a barrier. They think the two are naturally in conflict, and that the one should stay away from the other. Some get so caught up in things on their side of the line that they fail to comprehend the impact they are making on the other side. And then they marvel at the rancor that gets raised! I prefer to see the line between ministry and technology as a permeable border. People in the Church can and should work on both sides of this border. It really is easy to cross over between the two. You just have to mentally shift gears. And that is just what I am doing. This is a place that documents that experience, and shares it with you. If you find that it resonates with your own experience, then I invite you to comment.

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