Church Management System

Posted on September 1, 2010 by Servant | News| Tags: , , | Comments feed

Churches need to be well managed. Many Churches these days have a Church Administrator, a staff member dedicated to management tasks. This used to be the prerogative of the Senior Pastor; but larger Churches have discovered that they really want the Senior Pastor to be a visionary, not an administrator. And having an administrator means they can enjoy longer service, and consequently really know the ins and outs of the job.

Large Churches also need an information system, a Church Management System if you will. This is used by the Church Administrator to manage the day to day business of the Church. It needs to have at least the following functions:

  • Membership Records
  • Donor Database Management
  • Web Site Management
  • Administrative Reporting

The Church is blessed by many good software packages designed for this task. Here are just a few to check out:

Shelby Systems
ACS Technologies
Church Windows
Power Church
Servant Keeper

This list represents a variety of features and prices, with something for every Church from a small to megachurch congregation.

December 1, 2010 by servant

There are lots of software packages and web services out there to choose from. There is Shelby, which has probably been around the longest. And there is FellowshipOne. There are even some new services coming available, e.g. Each Church needs to research what’s available and compare the set of features to their needs.

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