Standard Church Workstation

Posted on March 17, 2012 by Servant | News| Tags: , | Comments feed

All Churches add and/or replace staff members. Would it not make sense to have a standard staff workstation configuration? You could simply make this a disk image, and install it on new or resurrected hardware. It would then boot up and run a standard set of applications, such as:

Office Productivity
Various Browsers
Church Accounting (if appropriate)
Membership Records
Worship Planning
Spiritual Music

The technology exists to make this an easy and straightforward process. And it makes providing IT Support much easier, since everyone has a known starting configuration. The only drawback is the matter of licensing. Most Churches don’t have volume licensing agreements, so they have to add and track individual licenses to software applications. Is there a way to do this effectively in a small Church office environment? And of course, staff tend to have varied interest and favorite applications they want to install and run. How do you get everyone on the same page? Or maybe a better question is, should you? What do you think?

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