Keyless Entry To The Media Room

Posted on February 14, 2014 by BRoberts | Reflections | Comments feed

Which is better, a conventional lock or a keyless entry door lock on the Media Room in the Church?

locking mechanism

Keyless Entry Lock


Volunteers need access to the Media Room. Providing that access is a challenge. (Churches may have greeters, but rarely doormen.) One approach would be to set a unique key for the door lock and assign keys to the volunteers. Only the volunteers would have access. And the keys could be tracked to make sure the Church always knows who has a key and who hasn’t.

Unfortunately, this does not always work well. Volunteers also come and go with the seasons. How do you make sure you get the key back from them? They may have a sudden move due to changes in work or living arrangements. They may simply forget to turn in the key – finding it years later and wondering, “Where did that fit again?” If you decided that you should change the lock everytime a key went missing, then you might as well hire a locksmith on staff. 🙂

A Keyless Lock would seem to be an ideal solution. There is no physical key, so there is nothing to get lost. And you just have to remember a 4 digit code to get in the door. Of course, the code becomes a well-known secret among the technical ministries team; but that may not be a bad thing.

What kind of lock, if any, does your Church have on the Media Room?

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