Information Kiosks

Posted on March 1, 2015 by Servant | News| Tags: , , | Comments feed

What do people see during the week when the come to the Church? Do you have an information kiosks that they can inspect to see what’s going on? One approach that I’ve seen uses a closed loop TV cable system to display information. The sequence is an endless loop, showing the same series of images. Or perhaps you have a slideshow that appears.

Why not integrate the announcements from Sunday with the information kiosk? That way, people would find the same information when they came to a Church meeting that they saw on Sunday. You could dedicate a page on your web site to providing a slideshow with this information. The slideshow would automatically repeat. You would update it on the database from time to time, and it would publish new announcements automatically. Here is an example that I have programmed:

Announcement Loop

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