Ten Years and Counting

Posted on February 28, 2018 by BRoberts | Reflections | Comments feed

It is hard to believe, but this blog is 10 years old and counting! I have been involved with ministry and technology for a long time. I have sought to document my experience with various aspects and topics about that involvement here, so that you can gain from it. Topics have ranged from Information Technology to how to Welcome Visitors. I hope that you have found these pages of interest.

I am both a man of grace and an optimist. I believe in Christ, and I know that He guides my steps. And I look forward to the future with Hope and Grace. May we all be found in Heaven one day. If that happens within the next 10 years, then Hallelujah! If not, then I’ll keep blogging about it until we do.

May God grant you grace and mercy this day!

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