Giving Thanks

Posted on November 19, 2018 by Servant | Reflections| Tags: ,

Thanksgiving is an American holiday, but it is based on the Biblical idea of thanking God. We thank God for His many blessings in our lives. We thank God for His mercy and His love. And we thank God for His marvelous grace, which covers our multitude of sins.

As you approach this Thanksgiving, be sure to thank the members of your staff, who ensure that the Church functions as an organization. They not be perfect, but they show their dedication and commitment by coming to work each day to help the Church. Let them know that they are appreciated, and you will be investing in good will which will last well into the new year.

This author has served in Churches, both big and small. It is all to easy to leave people on staff feeling under-appreciated along with being over-worked. The two are a bad combination. You may not be able to change the workload, but you can always express appreciation for their efforts. From the least of these to the most, thank them for their efforts.

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