Freedom To Love Your Neighbor

Posted on July 19, 2020 by Servant | News | Comments feed

The Church has long embraced the freedom that comes with Christ. As Paul states in Galatians 5:1, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” The Church in Galatia was struggling with those who argued that Gentile Christians should be obeying the Law of Moses. Paul counters that they should simply Love your neighbor.

How do we Love our neighbor during this time of pandemic? Some would say that we should just steer clear of them – i.e. keep to ourselves. That would certainly maintain a social distance. By doing so, we avoid the possibility of exposing them to the virus. Others would say that we should reach out to our neighbors more, since we are all home alone right now. We should remind them that we care about them and what they are going through. By sharing, we enter into community and fellowship.

Many are finding ways to do both through technology. With modern communications and the Internet, you can reach out to not only the people in your neighborhood, but the global village as well. How about contacting old friends over a teleconference? Or simply send them an email expressing your concern and caring? Or invite a coworker to just meet over videoconferencing for a cup of coffee together? Technology offers unique ways to overcome the isolation that these times have brought. It is High Tech, High Touch. Through it, we have the Freedom to Love our Neighbor in new ways!

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