Attendance Tracking Data

Posted on January 15, 2023 by Servant | News| Tags: , | Comments feed

In order to plan effectively, you need good Attendance Tracking Data. Whether it be worship, or small groups, you need to plan for space needs. To do that, you need a good idea of what Attendance looks like, and how it is changing over time. Without it, you’re planning in the dark.

How do you get good Attendance Tracking Data? There are apps available that allow people to self report their attendance at an event. However, not everyone will use those apps; so you have to add estimates of the number of additional people at the event. The leader of the event should be responsible for ensuring that the report is accurate; or you could have staff do it. Ideally, then, you look at the trends of the data to perform capacity planning. If attendance is on an upward arc, then you need to arrange for bigger and bigger spaces for the event. If attendance is on a downward arc, then you may want to consider arranging for a smaller space. However, be sure to inform the event planners of the trend that you see. They may be surprised, thinking all is well and attendance is growing. Or they may have some insight into where the attendance is going in the future that the trend line doesn’t reveal. Let that also factor into your space planning. The goal is to always provide space that is “just right” for the number of people that are coming. You don’t want to always be adding chairs at the last minute. Nor do you want to waste money on seats that won’t be filled. Attendance Tracking Data is the way to plan effectively, using the resources for God’s glory at all events.

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