Automation in Worship

Posted on July 2, 2023 by Servant | News | Comments feed

Many worship services use technology to augment the service. This might just be wind instruments. Or it might be electrical instruments, with their associated PA systems. Or it might include screens and lighting. One use would be to link a video that celebrate a national holiday with movements by volunteers in the congregation. The results can make worship more dynamic and engaging for the whole congregation.

In general, the equipment is run by staff or volunteers. But volunteers can be hard to recruit and train and schedule. One alternative is to include automation. For example, you can automate the lyrics for a worship song by using a click track with queues for the projection software. This ensures that the correct lyrics show up on the screen as the congregation sings together. My rule of thumb is as follows:

Lyrics should advance when the congregation sings the last word of the current slide.

Bradley Roberts

The automation can also apply to lighting cues. The lighting scene can thus change from song to song, or even within songs. This allows a spot to appear on the soloist, to emphasize that they are singing the current verse. Or the lights can shine in front of the altar, where a reader is reading the scripture for the day. Or the lights can be dimmed, but not totally out, during the sermon so people can focus on the message.

Overall, automation can help the worship service run smoother, with less likelihood of glitches due to human error. It can also reduce the demand on volunteer scheduling, so that worship is completely staffed and high quality.

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