Volunteer Signups

Posted on August 3, 2011 by Servant | News| Tags: ,

How about adding a web page where volunteers could sign up for the specific service that they would like to give. It would list the current needs, and be filterable by area – e.g. children’s ministry. It would show each task and give some details about what is involved – e.g. VBS volunteer for 5 days meeting 8:00 AM to 12:00 noon each day, working with 8 year old kids. It would then allow people to signup – e.g. commit to being a VBS volunteer this year. They would give their contact information so the Church could followup – i.e. an email address for planning and announcements about VBS. This would help get everyone signed up and build the emailing list all in one step. Does your Church use your web page for this purpose? If so, then how is it working?

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